
Optimized Tube Plate for Enzyme Studies

      BioChromato Inc. has developed an enzyme assay product -...
Mass Spectrometry Structural Analysis of Fluoroelastomers

      BioChromato Inc. has published a report describing how t...
BioChromato’s May issue of Newsletter!

Hello friends, thank you for checking out this page! Yes, we have issued our May issue of Newslet...
Parallel Evaporator Assists Metabolomics Research

  BioChromato Inc. has published an interview with the Institute of Analytical...
ChemZo, the new device made by BioChromato has been awarded!

We are pleased to announce that “ChemZo”, developed by BioChromato, Inc. has received the Encourag...
Rapid, Direct Mass Spectrometry Characterisation of Difficult Samples

    The ionRocket from BioChromato Inc is a temperature-heating device...
Easy-to-use Benchtop Evaporator to Improve your Labs Productivity

  Drawing upon patented Vacuum Vortex Concentration technology, the BioChromat...
BioChromato’s first Newsletter of 2021!

Hello friends, thank you for checking out this page! Yes, we have issued our first Newsletter of ...
BioChromato products are on SCIENCE

SCIENCE, one of respected publications serving the scientific community worldwide, published by the ...
Contamination-free microplate sealing for ADME screening

  BioChromato Inc. reports on how Pharmaceutical companies undertaking Absorption, Distr...
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