
Evaporation Solutions at ACS 2019 in San Diego 8/25 – 27

  BioChromato will be exhibiting evaporation solutions with Smart Evaporator at the upco...
How can I concentrate DMSO in my sample?

  We introduce a simple way to concentrate Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) samples.DMSO is use...
IonRocket Posters at ASMS 2019: Flexibility without sample prep for your Mass Spec!

IonRocket thermal desorption for Direct Analysis In Real Time Mass Spectrometry (DART®-MS) removes s...
Evaporation Solutions at ACS 2019 in Orlando

  BioChromato exhibited its Smart Evaporator at the American Chemical Society’s National...
Vacuum Vortex Evaporation

  Condensing and evaporating samples is a very necessary part of many chemical testing p...
Rotary Evaporator (Rotovap) Issues and the Smart Solution

Evaporation is an integral part of chemistry research and the de facto instrument is the Rotary Evap...
Novel way to remove DMSO and DMF

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Unlock the Secret to "...
NMR Solvent Selection

  When selecting a solvent for running Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) ana...
Rapid screening protocol for taxonomic identification of rhino horns developed by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Black Rhino (Status: Critically Endangered)   “Illegal trafficking in rhino horn thre...
Types of Solvent Evaporators – An Overview

Removal of solvents is a common need in any organic chemistry lab and often times the major “bot...
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