
How can I concentrate DMSO in my sample?

  We introduce a simple way to concentrate Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO) samples.DMSO is use...
Evaporation Solutions at ACS 2019 in Orlando

  BioChromato exhibited its Smart Evaporator at the American Chemical Society’s National...
Vacuum Vortex Evaporation

  Condensing and evaporating samples is a very necessary part of many chemical testing p...
Rotary Evaporator (Rotovap) Issues and the Smart Solution

Evaporation is an integral part of chemistry research and the de facto instrument is the Rotary Evap...
Novel way to remove DMSO and DMF

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NMR Solvent Selection

  When selecting a solvent for running Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (NMR) ana...
Types of Solvent Evaporators – An Overview

Removal of solvents is a common need in any organic chemistry lab and often times the major “bot...
How can I remove DMSO from my sample?

[siteorigin_widget class="SiteOrigin_Widget_Image_Widget"][/siteorigin_widget]Unlock the Secret to "...
We received The Ministry of Education Award 2018 for Science and Technology

After we received the 42nd Invention Award in 2016, the Japan Society for the Advancement of Inv...
BioChromato at ACS 2016 in Philadelphia

  BioChromato exhibited at ACS 2016 in Philadelphia this past August 21-25. We had a gre...
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