Dr. Davisson / Dr. Fujii, Purdue University Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology

Thank you for this opportunity to visit your laboratory and your time – I really appreciate it.
I am aware that you focus on Medicinal Chemistry, Molecular Pharmacology and Chemical Biology. Could you please tell me how the Smart Evaporator is being used?
Dr. Davisson
Dr. Fujii in my laboratory informed me your product based on his previous experiences. We have decided to acquire one unit because there was a problem that has been impossible to resolve by existing methods. Smart Evaporator C1 works remarkably. It has a potential to cope with significant unmet needs.
Thank you. What was your problem specially? Could you explain a little more detail?
Dr. Davisson
We needed to produce a chemical compound in DMSO-containing water, from which the compound has to be isolated as a dry powder. That is, isolation and purification of DMSO-free materials from DMSO-containing mixture. This material (compound) is miscible to water, therefore is impossible to be isolated by conventional extraction with organic solvent (for removing DMSO). Technically DMSO removal is said as possible by lyophilization, however DMSO removal takes forever and incomplete. FDA does not approve DMSO formulation for human administration. DMSO removal for practical time/scale is truly a significant unmet need from pharmaceutical aspect.
What is the “compound” to be recovered from DMSO-water specifically?
Dr. Davisson
It is platinum (IV) chloride DMSO complex: Na [PtCl5(dmso)] in this case.
What will the process after the sample has been dried and DMSO-free be?

Dr. Davisson
It will be formulated in common buffer like PBS for administrating to animals such as mouse and rats via injection or oral, which is acceptable only with DMSO-free formulation.
Do you mainly use these vials you’ve showed me or other containers?
Dr. Davisson
Not just vials, but we are trying with various containers of various shapes.The unit should be applied not only for DMSO removal but also concentrating HPLC fraction e.g. peptide purification. We are currently optimizing evaporation rate. Your website illustrates only ‘straight shape’ containers like falcon tubes and vials, but for large volume evaporation, ‘short and wide’ container like a conventional flask is easier to handle practically. When we tried evaporations with 50mL Falcon tube/ round bottom glass flask/ triangle Erlenmeyer glass flask, those two flasks were more efficient than Falcon tube. Those 50mL flasks fit in the heating cup but it would be appreciated if 100mL flasks could be used.
(*Comparison of evaporation speed under the same condition: 5%DMSO-water, 15 mL, 40degC, 90 minutes.)
Thank you so much for trying many different options, and for your valuable comments. We often receive inquiries about concentration in narrow shaped containers and/or flasks. We will consider providing more suitable options.A flask (100 mL) with a bottom smaller than 69mm diameter fits in the heating cup if aluminum warming beads are not used.
Dr. Davisson
Our 100 mL flasks (both Erlenmeyer and round-bottomed) are 67 mm diameter. Thank you for your suggestion; they certainly fit into the heating cup. Our Welch pump used for Smart Evaporator performs 35L/min, which might be too few for using #4 and #5 Spiral Plugs*. We don’t have diaphragm 50-58L/min but recently acquired an ULVAC performing 46L/min so will try 100mL scale evaluation with it.
(*Container inner diameter – SP-P4: 15-24mm; SP-P5: 24-32mm / Recommended pump flow rate – SP-P4: 50L/min; SP-P5: 58L/min)
When using large plugs, flow rate of pump is critical for rapid evaporation. The 58mL/min is recommended for the plug #5. If your pumps perform only less than 50mL/min, still you can use two pumps in parallel*.(*effectiveness may depend on the pump spec: please consult your pump supplier)We would appreciate it if you could further give us any comments. We wish Smart Evaporator keeps promoting your research.Thank you very much.