Most suitable for the concentration of aqueous solvents and trace samples!!
It is attractive because it prevents the loss of purified sample and contamination due to sudden boiling.

In this issue, we asked Dr. Shuhei Kusano of the National Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), whose research theme is the chemical biology of plants and organoboron catalysts, about his opinions and requests for our products.

Dr. Shuhei Kusano, Ph.D., Research Scientist, Molecular Bioregulation Research Team, Center for Sustainable Resource Science, National Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN).

Dr. Kusano's research content

My research theme are in the chemical biology of plants and organoboron catalysts. The main purpose of concentration work is to concentrate aqueous solvents and trace samples.

┃How Smart Evaporator was introduced

I used to have a Smart Evaporator at my previous workplace and used it at that time. As it was really useful, so I have wanted to have one at my current workplace.

┃Works done so far

(Before a Smart Evaporator was introduced) we used a rotary evaporator to concentrate the sample recovered from the purification by gel filtration or by silica gel column.  The type of solvents were water-acetonitrile, dichloromethane or methanol, and the solvent volume was about 1-10mL.  The containers used were 2mL, 10mL, or 30mL glass vials.  The temperature setting was 40-50 ºC, and the Frequency of concentration work was about 2-3 days/week, and the working time was about 1-6 hours.

* In the photo a connector used to connect the vial to the rotary evaporator is found. >

┃Thoughts on using a Smart Evaporator

  - Advantages

We use it every day. I think it runs for about an hour at a time.

┃Thoughts on the actual uses
  - Advantages

I think that the biggest advantage of using Smart Evaporator is that it avoids the risk of sudden boiling.  When we used a rotary evaporator to concentrate the aqueous solutions, we found the sudden boiling once in every five times.... In that respect, Smart Evaporator is attractive because it can prevent the loss of purified sample and contamination due to sudden boiling. After setting the sample and checking the operation move, we can do the other works until the concentration is completed, which is very helpful for us. This is only possible by the Smart Evaporator, which is free from the risk of sudden boiling.  Another good aspect is that anyone can easily operate the concentration or maintain the equipment.


I think that it has enough functions as it is, but if I was forced to pick one, it would be the timer function. You'll never forget to turn it off.


Dr. Kusano, who we interviewed this time, is working on his research theme - chemical biology of plants, organoboron catalysts. He had a problem that he could not touch the other works while the concentration work of aqueous solutions due to the risk of sudden boiling - but we could hear his voice with pleasure that after the introduction of Smart Evaporator C1, which is free from that risk, he became to do the other works without worry, and also his work efficiency has been improved .  Through the interview, I was very happy to learn that Dr. Kusano has been using the Smart Evaporator since he was in college, and has also purchased and is using it at his current workplace.
(Reporting by Watanabe)


■Interested in what Smart Evaporator is? You can learn from here!

■Product details of Smart Evaporator C1 (Single channel evaporator)


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