DMSO was evaporated like I imagined!

This time we interviewed Dr. T who recently introduced the "Smart Evaporator C1" and asked him about how he came to install it.

(Interviewee: Dr. T, Department of Chemical Biology, A University)

┃How did you come to introduce "Smart Evaporator C1"?

Our distributor brought a catalog and I was interested in it particularly in its ability to concentrate DMSO solution. Usually, DMSO solution would not be evaporated easily so I asked for demo with my feeling that it would be a great help for us if that really works to remove DMSO.

┃Impressions on actual use

I was satisfied because it evaporates as I expected, comparable to the catalog value.
<Differences of Smart Evaporator from other evaporators>
I can't say for sure as we have just introduced the Smart Evaporator, but I think there are some differences in the sample type, volume, and number of samples that each system is good at. For large volume sample solution, we use a rotary evaporator, and when we have a large number of small samples, centrifugal evaporator will be used.
I would definitely like to use Biochromato's evaporator for the concentration of DMSO-based samples.
As each device has its own characteristic, we will use the suitable one on a case-by-case basis.
On my actual feeling, we will use Smart Evaporator once a week at present, but we would definitely like to make more and more use of it in the future.


<Issues and requests>
In the starting days of using it, when I opened the valve, for a few times the solution splashed out - sample solution amount might have been too large, or I opened the valve too much - so I felt at that time we should pay attention on opening or closing of the valve.
Now we have no problem with it that we are used to it. Also, it would be even more wonderful if one unit could concentrate many samples.


Dr. T, whom we interviewed this time, uses our Smart Evaporator C1 mainly for the concentration of DMSO solution. We are very pleased to hear that he is using the Smart Evaporator with its unique features, and skillfully using it in conjunction with his other products. We are very happy to hear that the Smart Evaporator is helping him in his research.


(Interviewer: Yuko Abe, Development Department)




■Interested in what Smart Evaporator is? You can learn from here!


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