No more scrambles for the Smart Evaporator C1,
but now we have the C10!
Dr. Miwa Kubo, Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Science, Tokushima Bunri University
Thank you very much for purchasing the C10.The last time we had a great contribution from you for the testimonial of C1, but again we would be appreciated to know your impression of using the multi-positioned Smart Evaporator.
Dr. Kubo
I would also be pleased to do so.
I heard that the Smart Evaporator’s been widely used among students, and there was a queue to wait for turn.
Dr. Kubo
Yes, the students were waiting for their turn to use the C1.
Why did the students prefer to use the C1?
Dr. Kubo
I can say that’s because the evaporator is free from bumping. We can hardly collect the fluorescent substance samples once they bump, and also it was too much burden to clean for many times so we had an issue on how to avoid samples to be bumped.
Dr. Kubo
That’s right. When I first saw that at one of the conferences, I already made my mind. Once I had the budget ready, I decided to purchase that without hesitation.
I’m honored to have your interests from the time you first saw it at the conference. So how is that working at your lab and do you come up with new impressions?
C10 just installed at her lab.>
Dr. Kubo
When setting up the vials and the Spiral Plugs, it’s very smooth to lift up and down the heating block so I found it far easier than the C1. And also the valves are well designed that use the motif of flower or leaf. I think it’s great you are particular about the details too.
The valves on the Smart Evaporator C10. (for illustrative purposes only.)>
We appreciate to have your compliments and will be pleased to have further feedbacks again. Thank you very much for your time today.
The fluorescent samples can be hardly collected once they bump, and the glassware needed to be cleaned for many times. The students at her lab were daily waiting for their turn to use the Smart Evaporator C1 which is free from bumping. The strong feeling “I would never ever want to have bumping…” lead students to scram for the C1, and the C10 Dr. Kubo found at the conference was the best solution for this situation. The Smart Evaporator C10 enables the multi-positioned evaporation without the bumping risk, so the users can concentrate on their research work at ease. (Interviewer: Tsuyoshi Kikuchi)
■Interested in what Smart Evaporator is? You can learn from here!
■Product details of Smart Evaporator C1 (Single channel evaporator)
■Product details of Smart Evaporator C10 (10 channel evaporator)