I properly use both Centrifugal Evaporator and Smart Evaporator.

Mr. S is working on the research of fungus components derived from microorganisms.  This interview is about what made him purchase two Smart Evaporators as well as his impressions.

Researcher:Mr. S in the Research Development at one drink manufacturer


We appreciate for your time.


My pleasure.


So what type of research are you working on?


Generally I work with fungus of microorganisms. First I extract the fungus components, then refine and identify the target components from them.


How do you process the refining or identifying?


With the centrifugal evaporator I evaporate what is extracted with organic solvents, fractionate with HPLC, then evaporate again with the centrifugal evaporator for further analysis.


So you usually use the evaporator for twice in your process. Any concerns of using the centrifugal evaporator?


We share one unit with other colleagues so it’s occasionally occupied with others. Also I’m concerned of the contamination.


I understand…have you had any contaminations brought from other groups?



No, but I purchased two Smart Evaporators to avoid any potential contaminations.


Oh that’s a good idea. So do you use the Smart Evaporators properly for different samples?


Yah, I can still do that with the centrifugal evaporator, but to avoid the sample contamination, I wanted to have one which is only for a certain sample. So I purchased two units.


Oh so that would be the main factor why you’ve purchased. How did you get to know our evaporator?


From the brochure brought from the distributor. I saw it’s capable of evaporation of high boiling point solvents like DMSO so I asked for the demonstration.


Yah, the solvents with high boiling point are commonly used for extracting components. So how was the demonstration? Did you try DMSO?


I tried with ethanol. The ability was exactly what’s mentioned on the brochure! I also like it can be purged with gas.


So the result with ethanol was the same with what’s mentioned on the brochure, so you’ve confirmed it would be achievable with DMSO as well. Do you also use the evaporator under the purged environment?


Yes, to avoid the oxidization I usually do that. This function’s been helpful for sample storage.


Yah, many of other researchers also concern of the sample oxidization. Any other factors you’ve decided to purchase?


The small footprint. I can place the evaporator for a certain use for each experiment.


Yes, the Smart Evaporator is designed A4 sized which is very compact. How frequently do you use the Smart Evaporator?


Almost every day. I think we are going to use that more.


Thank you very much. We appreciate for your corporation to make this interview.


Mr. S was concerned of the sample contamination, so he uses the centrifugal evaporator for the first evaporation and the Smart Evaporator for the second. Also for the second evaporation, he uses two Smart Evaporators for each solvent to avoid contamination. He would be using that more frequently, so we are pleased to be corporative with his research.
(interviewer: Tokunaga)

■Interested in what Smart Evaporator is? You can learn from here!


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