Retronasal Aroma of Earl Grey




A time-of-flight mass spectrometer was used as a detector for retronasal aroma analysis of aroma components in Earl Grey (black tea).




Ion SourceChemZo (BioChromato)
Mass Spectrometercompact QTOF (Bruker)
Measurement MethodAfter drinking Earl Grey and Assam, aroma components passing through the nasal cavity were introduced into the mass spectrometer via a tube.
Data ProcessingThe aroma components were extracted from the mass spectra using Spectra Scope and Data Analysis software.




Using Retronasal Plus, a marker screening software, two aromatic components were detected in Earl Grey tea (Fig.1). These components were estimated to be the fruity and strong-smelling compounds, linalool (C10H18O) and citral (C10H16O). Additionally, based on the EIC in Fig.1, linalool was found to decrease in sensitivity immediately after swallowing, while citral is a type of aroma component that gradually decreases in sensitivity after swallowing. These aroma components were not detected in Assam (Fig.2).



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