Differential analysis of two soy sauces using unique software




Using the Helium gas-free ion source ChemZo, we tried to differentiate the aroma components of two types of soy sauce.



Ion sourceChemZo (BioChromato)
Mass Spectrometercompact QTOF (Bruker)
Measurement Method50 µL of soy sauce samples (A and B) were placed in a large pot, and mass spectrometry (MS) measurements were taken while gradually heating from room temperature to 100°C.
Data ProcessingA and B were compared using Spectra Scope’s IDS (Intelligent Data Subtraction). For the components that differed, structural estimation was performed by compositional analysis.




Fig. 1 shows the TICs at the time of measurement. Although it is not possible to determine which component is more abundant in each of A and B just by comparing the TICs, the IDS Score shows six components that are specifically included in each of A and B. Negative (red) and positive (blue) IDS Score values indicate the abundance in A and B, respectively (Fig. 3). m/z=141.0545 was estimated to be C7H8O3 Furfuryl acetate by composition analysis.


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